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Larbi Sadiki was a nonresident fellow at the Brookings Doha Center and a professor of Arab democratization at Qatar University. His research interests are democratic transitions, the Arab Spring and protest movements, Arab and Middle East comparative politics, international relations of the Middle East and North Africa, and  Islamism and democracy. He is the lead principal investigator of a 3-year National Priorities Research Program (cycle 9) project “Transitions of Islam and democracy.”

Sadiki is guest editor of the recent issue (Volume 20, Issue No. 5, 2015) of the Journal of North African Studies, in which he tackles the question of ‘democratic knowledge’ in the Arab world. His research was previously funded by British Academy and Leverhulme in the United Kingdom. He is author of prescient articles such as ‘Popular Uprisings and Arab Democratization’, published 11 years before the Arab Spring (IJMES, 2000), and ‘The Search for Citizenship in Ben Ali’s Tunisia: Democracy versus Unity’ (Political Studies, 2002). He is the editor of the series Routledge Studies in Middle Eastern Democratization and Government, and author of The Search for Arab Democracy (2004), Rethinking Arab Democratization (2009, 2011), co-author of Europe and Tunisia (2010). These are followed by edited texts such as the Routledge Handbook of the Arab Spring (2015), and Democratic Transition in the Middle East (2013). He is currently editing the Routledge Handbook of Middle East Politics (2018).

